
Promoting the Inclusion of Children and Young People with Disabilities in Education in The Arab Region: An Analysis of Existing Developments, Challenges and Opportunities

2022 - 11 - 24
This report was developed by the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States within the framework of the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Programme to strengthen the Arabic language. The report provides an analysis of inclusive education in the Arabic countries with a view to formulate future recommendations.

Although the report focuses particularly on persons with disabilities, it also acknowledges that other learners are enduring marginalisation and unable to access educational opportunities. It also addresses the barriers and challenges to inclusion and the progress achieved and the progress still required for inclusive quality education to become a full reality in the Arab region. The report emphasizes the critical necessity of building structured and systematic collaboration between educators, schools, and the teaching community. The report calls upon governments to implement immediate measures to assign the responsibilities of learners with disabilities to the Ministry of Educationand urges them to allocate adequate funding to develop effective actionable plans and generate a nationwide commitment to inclusive education of all.

ٌRead the full report here: unesdoc.unesco.org 

أحدث المنشورات

القائمة الكاملة

لمحة حول الندوة الإلكترونية رقم 4 الخاصّة بمرجع ممارسات التعليم والتعلّم الواعدة -تربية 21

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