
A conversation on achieving SDG4: Transforming education for a sustainable future

2023 - 12 - 04
In an exclusive interview with Ms Ibtisam Ayoub, Secretary General of the Jordan National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science, we explore the critical role of transforming education in the context of today's dynamic educational landscape and how it contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4).
In an exclusive interview with Ms Ibtisam Ayoub, Secretary General of the Jordan National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science, we explore the critical role of transforming education in the context of today's dynamic educational landscape and how it contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4).

What does "Transforming Education" mean to you, and how do you see it manifesting in the context of today's educational landscape?

Transforming education is a top priority, especially in light of its profound impact on knowledge and its ability to address global challenges, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the Transforming Education Summit (TES), convened on 16, 17 and 19 September 2022 in New York, there is an urgent need to mobilize political stakeholders to realize and address the challenges we face. At a personal level, transforming education entails promoting critical thinking and problem-solving, preparing learners for the job market of the future, addressing climate change, and ensuring readiness for the requirements of the 21st century. The SDG4-Education 2030 High-Level Steering Committee plays a pivotal role in driving global education transformation. Key actions and initiatives are being implemented to ensure quality education for all in the Arab States.

The High-Level Steering Committee plays a pivotal role in driving global education transformation. As a member of this Committee, could you share some of the key actions and initiatives that have been implemented to ensure quality education for all in the Arab States?

Absolutely. The Transforming Education Summit led to critical commitments and regional commissions are actively working to translate these commitments into action. We are conducting workshops and tracking indicators related to SDG4. Additionally, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) webinars focus on citizenship education, and learning loss workshops are scheduled for this month. Throughout the year, we hold regional consultations online to keep abreast of developments and to ensure the application of policies, not just their conception.

Youth engagement is a significant aspect of achieving SDG4. Can you elaborate on the youth engagement initiative in the context of SDG4 and share any notable successes or strategies in this regard?

Youth engagement is pivotal. Currently, 17 out of 120 countries involve youth in transforming education. All countries should embrace this path and grant youth an active role in policy-making, giving them a platform to share their opinions. On a regional level, UNESCO is working on implementing indicators in the coming years to ensure youth participation.

The TES Global Initiatives aim to garner increased financial, technical, and political support for the implementation of calls to action. Could you provide insights into how these initiatives have influenced the progress toward achieving SDG4 and expanding access to quality education on a global scale?

The TES Global Initiatives have focused on several key areas, including education in emergencies, foundational learning (comprising reading, math, etc.), greening education, digital transformation, and the enhancement of the teaching profession. A significant emphasis has been placed on budgetary planning to prioritize education. Also, collaborative efforts are crucial to support countries and make quality education accessible to all.

As a member of the High-Level Steering Committee, what advice or recommendations do you have for governments, organizations, and individuals looking to make a meaningful contribution to the achievement of SDG4?

I believe that strengthening partnerships with Member States, increasing awareness at the school, country, and regional levels, and sharing success stories are essential steps. The policies emerging from regional meetings and consultations must not only be drafted but also implemented. In my opinion, we also need to focus on conducting research, addressing data gaps, and ensuring sustainable financing for education. While the policies and initiatives were set in motion in 2015, we are only halfway through and still far behind from fully achieving SDG4. There is much more work to be done.


In conclusion, the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), which calls to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” holds a paramount role in addressing global challenges within the educational landscape. It serves as a catalyst for transformation, encompassing critical thinking, preparedness for the evolving job market, and adaptability to 21st-century requirements. The commitment of the High-Level Steering Committee, with its critical initiatives and unwavering focus on quality education in the Arab States, is a testament to the shared dedication to the SDGs. The active engagement of youth in this transformative journey underscores the importance of their voices and ideas in shaping the future of education. As we look ahead, the collaborative efforts, unwavering commitment, and ongoing initiatives are key to realizing the ambitious objectives of SDG4, driving us closer to a world where inclusive and quality education for all is not just a goal but a tangible reality.

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القائمة الكاملة

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