
Happy to teach: Strengthening supportive school communities - recap of UNESCO's Happy Schools webinar

2023 - 11 - 01
In a world where education and happiness are often seen as competing priorities, UNESCO is making a compelling case for their harmonious coexistence. Through its Happy Schools Framework, UNESCO emphasizes the importance of cultivating positive school environments that enhance not only academic achievement but also the well-being of students and teachers. This groundbreaking initiative took center stage in the third installment of UNESCO's Happy Schools webinar series, which was held on 4 October 2023.
In a world where education and happiness are often seen as competing priorities, UNESCO is making a compelling case for their harmonious coexistence. Through its Happy Schools Framework, UNESCO emphasizes the importance of cultivating positive school environments that enhance not only academic achievement but also the well-being of students and teachers. This groundbreaking initiative took center stage in the third installment of UNESCO's Happy Schools webinar series, which was held on 4 October 2023.

The "Happy Schools Framework", delineates a 'happy school' into four pillars: people, process, place, and principles. This comprehensive framework serves as a guide for governments worldwide to create policies that foster safe, supportive, and engaging learning environments where every student can thrive.
To mark the 2023 World Happiness Day, UNESCO kicked off the Happy Schools webinar series, dedicated to discussing each of the four pillars in detail. The third installment focused on the "people" pillar, with the following key objectives:
1. Systemic changes for improved relationships: The webinar delved into the systemic changes required to enhance relationships between teachers, students, parents, school leaders, staff, community members, and managers. The goal was to establish and sustain positive learning environments where teachers are enthusiastic about teaching, and students are eager to learn.
2. Global perspectives on teacher well-being: Insights were shared from around the world about the importance of supporting teacher well-being by strengthening the happiness quotient of the school environment. This discussion underscored the attractiveness of the teaching profession as a crucial aspect of improving educational quality.
3. Commitment to a whole-of-school approach: Stakeholders were encouraged to collaborate with Happy Schools in the pursuit of happiness as the foundational principle of quality education. The webinar aimed to mobilize collective commitment to this cause.
The webinar recognized that strong relationships within school communities are the bedrock of positive learning outcomes. Schools can create environments where teaching and learning are not just obligations but sources of genuine joy by fostering a happy and supportive atmosphere. Participation in the webinar was open to policy-makers, development partners, researchers, school leaders, teachers, young people, and their guardians. It offered a unique opportunity to engage with global perspectives on the pivotal role of happiness in education.
This event was scheduled just before the World Teacher’s Day, celebrated annually on 5 October. The World Teacher's Day commemorates the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, which sets essential benchmarks for teachers' rights and responsibilities, as well as standards for their preparation, employment, and teaching and learning conditions.

In a world where education and happiness are often viewed as separate pursuits, UNESCO's Happy Schools initiative is breaking new ground by demonstrating that they can be powerful allies. The webinar was a significant milestone in the journey to create happier, more supportive school communities where students are excited to learn, and teachers are proud to teach.

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القائمة الكاملة

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