Arab Nations Embrace a New Academic Beginning: “Back to School!”
2023 - 09 - 28
As summer fades into memory, the excitement of a new academic year sweeps across the Arab world. The return to school is not just a seasonal shift but a beacon of hope, a testament to resilience, and a chance for transformative change in the lives of millions of learners. In this edition of the September newsletter, we explore the significance of going “Back to School” in Arab countries and the promising initiatives that are shaping the future of education in the region.
Education has always held a special place in the heart of Arab societies. It is seen as a means to embrace a future filled with opportunities. Arab nations recognize that investing in education is investing in the future, and this is reflected in their commitment to providing quality education for all, irrespective of gender or socioeconomic background.
As summer fades into memory, the excitement of a new academic year sweeps across the Arab world. The return to school is not just a seasonal shift but a beacon of hope, a testament to resilience, and a chance for transformative change in the lives of millions of learners. In this edition of the September newsletter, we explore the significance of going “Back to School” in Arab countries and the promising initiatives that are shaping the future of education in the region.
Education has always held a special place in the heart of Arab societies. It is seen as a means to embrace a future filled with opportunities. Arab nations recognize that investing in education is investing in the future, and this is reflected in their commitment to providing quality education for all, irrespective of gender or socioeconomic background.
Over recent years and in the face of numerous challenges, from political instability, to the Covid-19 crisis, to conflicts and displacement, Arab countries have displayed remarkable resilience in their commitment to education. These challenges, rather than deter them, have spurred innovation. Many countries have adopted cutting-edge approaches to ensure that children have access to learning opportunities, even in the most adverse conditions.
One of the most promising developments in Arab education is the integration of technology in the learning process. With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the adoption of online learning, Arab countries have embraced digital tools to ensure continuous education such as the practices detailed in the Tarbiyah21 Repository of Promising Teaching and Learning Practices as well as other initiatives like e-learning platforms and open educational resources have made education more accessible and flexible, enabling students to learn from anywhere.
Furthermore, Arab countries are tirelessly working to make education more inclusive. Efforts to ensure that children with disabilities, refugees, and vulnerable communities have equal access to quality education promote social justice and tap into the untapped potential of every child. This fosters a society that values diversity.
Arab countries, proud of their rich cultural heritage, are taking steps to incorporate it into their education systems. By teaching traditional art, music, and history, students learn about their roots and gain a deep appreciation for the diversity of their region, as well as for the contribution of the Arab culture to the advancement of humanity. This not only strengthens cultural identity but also fosters intercultural understanding. Learn more about UNESCO's efforts in this regard.
Moreover, education is a powerful tool for gender equality, and Arab countries are making strides in this regard. Efforts to eliminate gender disparities in education empower girls to pursue their dreams and contribute to the development of their nations, creating a more inclusive and equitable society.
In collaboration with international organizations like UNESCO, Arab countries are furthering their education goals. These partnerships provide valuable resources, expertise, and support to enhance the quality of education and ensure that no child is left behind. Together, they are building a brighter future for the Arab world.
The return to school in Arab countries is not just a routine event; it's a celebration of resilience, progress, and hope. It embodies the region's commitment to education as a pathway to a better future, where knowledge transcends boundaries and empowers individuals to create positive change.
As we embark on this new academic year, let us celebrate the dedication of Arab nations to education and their unwavering belief in the potential of their youth. Together, they are paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive, and prosperous future for all.
أحدث المنشورات
القائمة الكاملةاليونسكو
الاجتماع التشاوريّ الإقليميّ للمنطقة العربيّة: تشكيل مستقبل التعليم استعدادًا للاجتماع العالميّ للتعليم 2024
استضاف مكتب اليونسكو الإقليميّ المتعدّد القطاعات للدول العربيّة في بيروت اجتماعًا تشاوريًّا إقليميًّا محوريًّا للمنطقة العربيّة في الفترة الممتدة من 3 إلى 4 سبتمبر/أيلول 2024، وذلك في إطار التحضيرات للاجتماع العالميّ للتعليم (GEM) في فورتاليزا، البرازيل. هدف هذا الاجتماع، الذي تمّ بالتعاون مع مكاتب اليونسكو في القاهرة والدوحة والرباط والأمانة العامّة المشتركة بين الوكالات، إلى تنسيق المدخلات الإقليميّة لوثيقة النتائج النهائيّة للاجتماع العالميّ للتعليم، بما يضمن تمثيل صوت المنطقة العربيّة بشكلٍ بارزٍ.
الاحتفال باليوم العالميّ للمعلّمين واليوم الدوليّ للفتاة
بينما تحتفل اليونسكو باليوم العالميّ للمعلمين في 5 أكتوبر/تشرين الأوّل واليوم الدوليّ للفتاة في 11 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول، يتمّ تسليط الضوء على كلّ من المعلمين والفتيات كمحورٍ أساسيٍّ لدفع الأهداف التي تم تحديدها خلال المشاورات التي قامت بها الدول العربيّة تحضيرًا للاجتماع العالمي للتعليم. تتماشى الشعارات " تقدير أصوات المعلمين: نحو عقد اجتماعيّ جديد للتعليم" و"رؤية الفتيات للمستقبل" بشكلٍ مباشرٍ مع أولويّات المشاورات العربيّة التي تهدف إلى زيادة الوصول إلى التعليم الجيّد وتعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين.
تقرير الرصد العالمي للتعليم: القيادة من أجل التعلم
يركّز تقرير الرصد العالمي للتعليم (GEM) لعام 2024/2025، الذي صدر في اجتماع التعليم العالمي في فورتاليزا، البرازيل في 31 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2024، على الدور الحاسم للقيادة في تحقيق تعليم ذي جودة عالية. يسلط التقرير الضوء على أهميّة القادة على جميع المستويات – سواء داخل المدارس أو خارجها – ويستعرض كيف تؤثر القيادة على مخرجات التعلم وكيف يختلف هذا التأثير عبر الدول والسياقات المختلفة.
Leadership in Education: Lead for Learning
The 2024/5 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, released at the Global Education Meeting in Fortaleza, Brazil on 31 October 2024, focuses on the critical role of leadership in achieving quality education. Highlighting the importance of leaders at all levels—both inside and outside of schools—the report explores how leadership influences learning outcomes and how this impact varies across countries and contexts.