
The Global Convention on Higher Education: the beginning of a new era

2023 - 04 - 14

The Global Convention on Higher Education, the world's first worldwide treaty on Higher Education, which was officially ratified on 5 December 2022, has now officially come into force. This Convention is set to revolutionize the way we approach mobility and access in Higher Education.

The Convention is not just a concept, but a framework that will provide learners and holders of Higher Education qualifications with more mobility and cooperation opportunities. It will also address the difficulties that new forms of education, such as distance learning and quality cross-border Higher Education. The Convention is a major development, as it will promote access to Higher Education, embrace diversity, and provide more flexible learning methods instead of traditional ones.

In order to adhere to the Convention's principles and obligations, countries must establish national information centers that provide up-to-date and accurate information about their Higher Education systems. If a foreign degree is not recognized, the Global Convention puts the responsibility on recognition authorities to demonstrate this and gives applicants the right to challenge the recognition decisions.

The Global Convention is a great step forward in increasing access to quality Higher Education, providing a level playing field for learners looking to study abroad, and boosting recognition of qualifications across regions. It is especially beneficial to refugees who often lack documentation of their Higher Education accomplishments. This is just the start of the Convention's impact, which seems to be a real game-changer.

The signing of the Global Convention is a momentous occasion that marks a major milestone on the path to fulfilling SDG 4.3 on quality tertiary education, which stipulates to “ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university”.

The Convention is designed to strengthen international cooperation in Higher Education and foster trust and confidence in the quality and reliability of qualifications through the promotion of integrity and ethical practices. It also provides a strong impetus for educators, policymakers, and learners to join forces to create a more equitable, accessible, and sustainable future for everyone. This is essential for everyone to have the opportunity to learn, progress, and prosper.

Ms Stefania Giannini, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education, said during an interview that, “a specified objective of the Global Convention on Higher Education is to promote, through the recognition of qualifications, inclusive and equitable access to quality Higher Education and support lifelong learning opportunities for all, including refugees and displaced persons”.

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القائمة الكاملة

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