
The Jordanian Ministry of Education, the European Union, and UNESCO launch a joint initiative to enhance Jordan's Education Management Information System

المبادرات الإقليمية في التعليم
2023 - 03 - 15

In 2016, the Jordanian government formally opted for an open-source Education Management Information System (OpenEMIS) as its primary data platform to collect accurate, timely, integrated, complete, and disaggregated data on different education stakeholders (students, teachers, staff) and facilities (schools, field directorates, and infrastructure). OpenEMIS also delivers reports that benefit decision-makers at all administrative levels by informing policy assessment and development at ministry, school, and directorate levels. Currently, EMIS is used by over 2 million people and covers all 7,400 public schools in Jordan.

The European Union and UNESCO, through a €1 million contribution, have partnered with Jordan's Ministry of Education to facilitate the successful implementation of its EMIS Policy, launched last June.

The partnership will explore potential improvements to Jordan’s EMIS, with the aim of bolstering data accuracy, quality, and utilization, particularly in the area of refugee data. The project is, in its design, aligned with the objectives outlined in the recently expanded Education Strategic Plan 2018–2025 and is expected to contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG4.

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القائمة الكاملة

لمحة حول الندوة الإلكترونية رقم 4 الخاصّة بمرجع ممارسات التعليم والتعلّم الواعدة -تربية 21

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