
MEHE & UNESCO Beirut launch Lebanon’s Five-Year Higher Education Plan, with a call to action for Greening Education

2023 - 01 - 24

On 23 January 2023, on the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Education, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) in Lebanon launched its five-year Higher Education Plan 2023-2027, in partnership with the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States (UNESCO Beirut), at the Ministry’s Theater Hall.

The five-year plan for higher education is based on four strategic pillars:
  1. Establishing an effective governance and accountability system for Higher Education (HE) at national and institutional levels, setting out the legal norms and organisational arrangements for all key actors across the Lebanese HE system.
  2. Enhancing and ensuring quality in higher education, through the development of an internationally recognised quality assurance system to assure the quality of the student experience and the outcomes from individuals in HE institutions and collectively across the HE system.
  3. Increasing funding and monitoring performance by developing a policy approach to funding higher education in Lebanon along two dimensions - the immediate needs of the sector and a longer-term policy direction.
  4. Developing a comprehensive Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) to foster informed decision-making processes.
Benefitting from the presence of prominent figures in the event, Ms Costanza Farina, Director of UNESCO Beirut, took the opportunity to initiate a Call to Action for Greening Education in Lebanon, emphasizing that, "we need a real revolution on the way we perceive our relation with nature. And what is more effective than education to achieve our efforts?" Ms Farina also stressed on the importance of enabling learners and raising their awareness on climate change, stating that UNESCO is operating with stakeholders and schools to green education in Lebanon.

UNESCO's Regional Education Program Coordinator and Education Lead for Lebanon, Ms Maysoun Chehab, also highlighted that UNESCO's new Greening Education Partnership aims to deliver a strong and comprehensive action that will prepare every learner to acquire the knowledge, skills and values to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development, which we hope to achieve in Lebanon.

Radical and swift changes must take place in many aspects of our lives, with education at the heart. Considering that education has a pivotal role in building individual and societal resilience and adaptability, it is essential to strengthen educational systems, increase their ability to withstand climate change and create safe, climate-proof schools to ensure the sustainable survival of our planet for future generations.

أحدث المنشورات

القائمة الكاملة

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