Q&A with the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education
2024 - 01 - 22
As the world commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Human Rights Day, it is essential to recognize the fundamental right to quality education entrenched within this declaration and various international legal frameworks. Despite this, millions of individuals – children, youth, and adults – remain deprived of this crucial human right, essential for eradicating poverty, addressing inequalities, and fostering sustainable development.

As the world commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Human Rights Day, it is essential to recognize the fundamental right to quality education entrenched within this declaration and various international legal frameworks. Despite this, millions of individuals – children, youth, and adults – remain deprived of this crucial human right, essential for eradicating poverty, addressing inequalities, and fostering sustainable development. To shed light on the status of the right to education, UNESCO HQ interviewed Ms. Farida Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education, highlighting key aspects and challenges.
What is the role of the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education?
The Special Rapporteur gathers and analyzes information on the realization of the right to education, identifying challenges and progress while making recommendations. The role integrates a gender perspective and focuses on marginalized groups. Reports are presented to the Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly. Country visits and communications on specific issues are also part of the mandate.
What is the state of the right to education today? What are the key achievements?
Global education progress is notable with increased basic education levels - 87% compared to 63% forty years ago. Key achievements include improved primary education access, narrowed gender disparities, inclusive education initiatives for disabilities, acknowledgement of the need to make education inclusive, providing continued education in conflict, post-conflict and emergency situations and global partnerships advancing education. Technological advancements have enhanced access, while sustainability principles are now part of educational curricula.
What are the main challenges?
Challenges persist in accommodating diverse learning needs, exacerbating disparities in education quality and access. Conflicts, pandemics, and crises disrupt education systems, leaving millions of children out of school. Insufficient funding impacts infrastructure, materials, teacher training, and access. The digital divide and misuse of technology also exacerbate disparities. UNESCO's report titled “An Ed-Tech Tragedy?” is informative and should serve as a pivotal reference in moving forward.
How do you define the evolving right to education?
The right to education is evolving into lifelong learning for all without discrimination. Adaptability in education systems, incorporating diverse talents and literacies, is crucial. Soft law instruments like the Abidjan Principles on the right to education expand guidance on public education and regulate private involvement. The International Commission on the Futures of Education calls for a new social contract, emphasizing lifelong learning and education as a common good.
What is the most inspiring experience you have had in this role?
Witnessing individuals benefit from education to break stereotypes, overcome exclusions, and transition out of poverty cycles is inspiring. Success stories highlight targeted policies, collaboration, community involvement, and holistic approaches.
What is the worst violation of the right to education you have witnessed?
Sadly, numerous violations infringe upon the right to education worldwide, demanding urgent attention. These violations, such as discrimination, gender apartheid, and the denial of education, are serious crimes against humanity. My mandate receives distressing reports on a range of global violations, including restrictions on academic freedoms, denial of comprehensive sexuality education, and insufficient support for learners with special needs. These breaches cover concerns regarding religious freedom in education, the privatization of public education, safety in educational facilities, and securing education for refugees, all requiring immediate action and resolution.
What is your greatest motivation and what inspires you?
The resilience, ingenuity, and commitment of individuals across boundaries to ensure education and human rights for all, even in adverse circumstances, serve as a tremendous motivation.
This concise overview captures key insights from the interview with Ms. Farida Shaheed, providing a glimpse into the challenges and progress in ensuring the universal right to quality education.
For the full interview, please refer to the following link; https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/qa-un-special-rapporteur-right-education.
Learn more about UNESCO's Initiative on the evolving right to education 2021-2025; https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000387862.
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القائمة الكاملةاليونسكو
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الأمم المتحدة تحتفي في شهر ديسمبر/كانون الأول بحقوق الإنسان، والأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، واللغة العربية
تُحيي الأمم المتحدة في شهر ديسمبر/كانون الأول ثلاث مناسبات بارزة تُعنى بحقوق الإنسان، وبحقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، وباللغة العربيّة، ممّا يجعل هذا الشهر فرصةً عالميّةً للتفكير والعمل. وتقود اليونسكو الجهود لتعزيز التعليم الشامل، وحماية حقوق الإنسان، والاحتفاء بالإرث الثقافيّ واللغويّ للّغة العربيّة، من خلال سلسلة من الفعاليات والمبادرات.