A Tarbiyah21 Contribution to transforming Education in the Arab World: UNESCO Beirut & Arab Thought Foundation's Repository of Teaching and Learning Practices
2023 - 06 - 18
The UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for the Arab States – Beirut and the Arab Thought Foundation (ATF) on 15 June 2023 launched their “Repository of Promising Teaching and Learning Practices”, an essential tool to disseminate and share best practices among teachers, educational institutions, and policymakers in the region.
The Repository of Teaching and Learning Practices is an online resource that provides educators with access to a wealth of teaching and learning examples of innovatory approaches. The Repository highlights examples related to the role of teachers in the digital transformation of education, as well as their roles in promoting green education initiatives, and in developing basic skills and other complex competencies for learners to deal with the 21st century challenges.
The UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for the Arab States – Beirut and the Arab Thought Foundation (ATF) on 15 June 2023 launched their “Repository of Promising Teaching and Learning Practices”, an essential tool to disseminate and share best practices among teachers, educational institutions, and policymakers in the region.
The Repository of Teaching and Learning Practices is an online resource that provides educators with access to a wealth of teaching and learning examples of innovatory approaches. The Repository highlights examples related to the role of teachers in the digital transformation of education, as well as their roles in promoting green education initiatives, and in developing basic skills and other complex competencies for learners to deal with the 21st century challenges.
It is hoped that through this initiative, the quality of education in the Arab world will be improved for both teachers and students alike. The Repository, available on the UNESCO Beirut website, contains a comprehensive collection of innovative teaching techniques, methodologies and tools aiming at supporting quality learning for all. Also, with this Repository, UNESCO Beirut and the Arab Thought Foundation are paving the way to transforming the future of education in the region following the recommendations of the Transforming Education Summit (TES) through the following avenues:
1. Promoting innovation: The Repository promotes innovation in education by providing a space for educators to share and discuss new and innovative teaching and learning practices. This can help to break the mold of traditional education and create new and exciting approaches for students to learn.
2. Supporting teacher professional development: The Repository supports teacher professional development by providing teachers with access to high-quality resources and materials and learning from one another opportunities.
3. Building a knowledge base: The Repository builds a knowledge base of promising teaching and learning practices in the Arab World that focuses on the roles of teachers in five important areas, namely (1) quality teaching and learning; (2) digital transformation of education; (3) teacher professional development; (4) collaboration; and (5) education research. This knowledge base can be used to inform policy making, improve teacher training and professional development, and support/enhance student learning.
This Repository provides an important asset to teachers and educational institutions, by encouraging sharing of successful ideas and practices that have been tested and used to achieve successful learning outcomes in specific contexts and under specific conditions.
The Repository was launched in both Arabic and English during the closing ceremony of the Tarbiyah21 project (Phase II) on 15 June 2023.
If you're an educator, you are encouraged to check out the Repository of Teaching and Learning Practices. It's a valuable resource that can help you improve your teaching, collaborate with other educators, and learn from others' experiences.
To learn more about the project: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/closing-ceremony-their-tarbiyah21-project-partnership-arab-education-development-and-launching?hub=802
أحدث المنشورات
القائمة الكاملةاليونسكو
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الأمم المتحدة تحتفي في شهر ديسمبر/كانون الأول بحقوق الإنسان، والأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، واللغة العربية
تُحيي الأمم المتحدة في شهر ديسمبر/كانون الأول ثلاث مناسبات بارزة تُعنى بحقوق الإنسان، وبحقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، وباللغة العربيّة، ممّا يجعل هذا الشهر فرصةً عالميّةً للتفكير والعمل. وتقود اليونسكو الجهود لتعزيز التعليم الشامل، وحماية حقوق الإنسان، والاحتفاء بالإرث الثقافيّ واللغويّ للّغة العربيّة، من خلال سلسلة من الفعاليات والمبادرات.